“Uncertainty.” The idea that it is impossible to accurately measure where we are, but only to measure the effects of our passing. I’ve been thinking about Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle a lot recently, especially as it relates to theatre. The staged reading series, which ends tonight, has been a whirlwind, a marathon unlike anything I have experienced as a director or producer, and an incomparable pleasure. But so often I’ve been too focused on the future to sit back and enjoy the moment, only later realizing how much I enjoyed the process; the time spent creating art with each wonderful cast. So tonight, I hope we all ski a little slower, sit back, and enjoy the moment as it comes, however that may be.
When choosing the plays for our reading series, I had one very important goal: to find at least one play with really good, meaty roles for women, and Eric Overmeyer, in On The Verge, offered up not only three great roles, but a really fun, kooky play to top it off.
I find this play delightful. It somehow manages to make me smile every time I read it or hear this fine cast speak the lines, no matter what my mood beforehand. It is a tonic to the woes and pessimism of daily life, a little burst of confidence, sunshine, and wonder to brighten up my day. I’m going to have fun this evening, and I hope you will as well. |
August 2024
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