Critics and Audience Members are Raving about
South Sound Arts Blog
"The Perfect Storm"
When everything works perfectly in theatre, when an outstanding play meets an even better cast and production crew, you come away feeling breathless, exhilarated and moved. That's what I felt at the end of "The Farnsworth Invention" at Lakewood Playhouse. That and more.
To call this an outstanding production is an understatement. It may well be the best overall offering of many outstanding plays Lakewood can claim."
--Michael Dresdner
To Read the Full Review:
The Weekly Volcano
(T)he two storytellers never meet in the "real life" of the play, but instead interact in the meta-story, commenting on each other's narratives, as though watching each other's memories in a theatrical afterlife." --Joe Izenman
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"I would like to add my own recommendation of The Farnsworth Invention at Lakewood Playhouse. Director John Munn is so deep into his wheelhouse with this one, I'm pretty sure he directed from his wheelhouse's man-cave."
--Christian Carvajal (Another reviewer from The Volcano, unnofficially via facebook)
The Suburban Times
Niclas R. Olson is equally astounding as Philo T. Farnsworth, the holder of 165 patents, mostly in radio and television.
These two highly talented actors turn in tight performances, bouncing banter off each other like a handball, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats wondering who will prevail.
Munn has always been a good director but with "Farnsworth," he has surpassed even himself. He moves the actors about the stage flawlessly and has honed each interpretation to perfection. With this large of a cast timing is of the essence - not to leave the audience waiting - not to allow time for anticipation of the next scene to lessen but to keep the pace virulent and alive. Munn has achieved this expertly. Kudos!"
--Lynn Gyer
Read the Full Review:
Tacoma Weekly
--John Larson
Read the Full Review:
And the Audience Says...
"The Farnsworth Invention" at the Lakewood Playhouse was beautiful. Cast did amazing with two fantastic lead roles and a very engaging, fast-paced, and intriguing plot. See it. -- Joshua Dansby via Facebook
"Nic - I saw "The Farnsworth Invention" and I want you to know that you were superb as Philo Farnsworth. You really had some golden moments with McClelland." -- Jimmy Gilletti via Facebook Message
And those are just the reviews I could find on Facebook. There is one comment that I unfortunately could not find again which declared THE FARNSWORTH INVENTION an audience member's favorite show since Book-It Theatre's Gregory Award winning production of THE CIDER HOUSE RULES several years, and that was an exceptional show, high praise indeed.
I've had a hard time getting out of the theatre after performances due to the number of audience members trying to express how much they enjoyed the show (and trust me, I am not one to go seeking compliments from strangers, I try my best to sneak out undetected and let the performance speak for itself.) From the hugely enthusiastic round of applause as we managed to get that first picture from our television set opening night, to the unexpected standing ovation from our blue-hair-special crowd on Sunday afternoon, audiences agree this is not a show to be missed.
And I Say...
And further, I would like to add my ready agreement to the praise these reviews have heaped upon Gabe McLelland, having worked with Gabe before and having the chance to work with him every night on stage, it is an honor and a privilege to share the stage with such a fine and talented actor, and I must share that I agree with one of my favorite directors to work with, Brie Yost, in saying, "I just loved watching you and Gabe yell at each other." Me too Brie, me too.
And a final thumbs up for John Munn and Lakewood Playhouse for having the guts to do a play for an intelligent adult audience. As an actor I love doing a play that is smart, fast, funny, and heartbreaking all at the same time. And as an audience member, I want to walk away from the theatre having felt something, and Farnsworth does that. It takes real courage for a small theatre to risk producing a show like this and I sincerely hope our crowds will grow, because as an audience member, and actor, a director, and a designer, these are the types of shows that make me want to come to the theatre, buy a ticket, and experience life in a different way for two hours. If an audience member forgets the play by the time they reach their parked car, we have failed as artists. But in this production, in this smart, fast, adult production, the audience is engaged and enlightened, entertained and encouraged to learn, and this is why I continue to do theatre.
I believe in intelligent, well acted, technically proficient, and above all cathartic theatre, and THE FARNSWORTH INVENTION is exactly that. I hope you can take the time to share this journey with me and the rest of the Farnsworth team, trust me, it'll be worth your time.
-- Niclas Olson