"The set is wonderfully spare. The story unfolds in three acts that flow along at an easy clip… The cast and crew do a good job of presenting the Ibsen masterpiece in a way that seems simple and straightforward. Yet the play’s multiple layers will continue to reveal themselves to the mind long after the curtain has fallen (metaphorically in this case)… Katelyn Hoffman anchors the show in her role as Nora, the titular “doll” of the story. She is sweet and docile with her moralizing and condescending husband Torvald. By the end of the play, however, she has become clear minded; steadfastly defiant of the man whom she now realizes is a stranger to her… Kathryn Grace Philbrook, as Mrs. Linde, and Niclas Olson as Krogstad are great as a pair of worldly characters who are able to find and redeem one another while the “perfect” marriage of Nora and Torvald is falling to pieces." - Dave R. Davison (Tacoma Weekly)